Today, hiring company ladies is one of the most normal trends in the world. Men with purchasing power are the ones who are in charge of making those requests for various reasons, either for fun or because you need company. Escort ladies may go hand in hand with prostitution, although their services are not the same. Escorts San Francisco are sought after all over the world since their company services are the best so far. These are women who offer not necessarily sexual services. They can also spend a whole night with their clients at social events. They have the advantage of going on a trip with their clients and enjoying the best luxuries as if they were a friend or partner. Society does not accept this profession since it is a humiliation to women, white, an3d more. In 2400 BC, prostitution was not as discriminated against as today since the Sumerians chose the girls. After doing their job, they received the best rewards and also had a good social position. Now you can request the services of the best private escorts through well-known agencies. Over time, several countries have been able to talk about prostitution, as the European Parliament has done. You can also see that escorts offer very different services. Something that characterizes them is that they are educated women with university degrees. To enter this profession, you need to meet certain strict requirements demanded by the agencies. These incredible private girls, you can find them in Spain or Brazil, since they are the countries with the most popular company ladies. For example, these girls are quite funny, outgoing, attractive, very intelligent, and interesting in Spain. In Brazil, they are much more sensual; they are women with an exquisite appeal that any man would attract attention to. You can find escort ladies either at an agency or through their independent websites. That means that women are the ones who decide whether to be company ladies or not, which is what the differences between prostitutes are. The most incredible thing is that these luxury girls can have another profession and at the same time be company ladies. If you like private girls, they are available at all times just for you. You must investigate the agency you want to attend to hire a companion. Keep in mind that a place like this is not only based on the quality of services and the girls, but also hygiene care. Every month, each of the women undergoes a checkup to take care of any illness or infection. Surely you may be surprised by the rates of the private escorts; everything varies depending on the type of service. In Spain, a company lady can charge a minimum fee of 500 euros if she works for an agency and is recognized. But an independent escort can charge a minimum rate of 300 euros per hour. It is possible that these girls do not do so many jobs in one day since their rates are quite high. It is why they can work up to 1 day a week or only after leaving their normal job. You can learn more about them through the agencies' websites or the personal websites of the escort ladies.